Power supply frontend DPH3205 32V/5A with buck/boost converter, charts

This is all the charts without many comments, for the review see here.
Load sweep
The first voltage is input voltage, the second voltage is output voltage.

The jump in power loss and efficiency is because the fan turns on.

It looks like the fan is temperature controlled and it turned on for a short periode due to temperature.
My input voltage drops too low and the output power cannot be sustained.

The input voltage drops too low.

The output cannot be maintained here. Input is about 9.5A at 7.5V before the output drops.

The input voltage drops too low.

Again the limit on the boost converter is reached.

Here I also hit the limit of the boost converter.

The input voltage drops too low.

Here and the next sweep the boost converter will set the limit.

Load Test
These test are done with fixed input voltage, fixed output voltage and constant current. The purpose is to see if the output stays stable when the power supply warms up.
Note: Blank aluminum will show way to cool on IR photos.

Input voltage 40V, output change during test was 0.023V
In this test the buck converter will do all the work.

M1: 46,5°C, M2: 35,3°C, HS1: 47,7°C

M1: 36,3°C, M2: 29,4°C, M3: 42,6°C, HS1: 52,2°C

Input voltage 24V, output change during test was 0.031V

M1: 49,8°C, M2: 41,4°C, M3: 50,3°C, HS1: 58,2°C

M1: 51,2°C, M2: 44,5°C, HS1: 58,2°C

Input voltage 18V, output change during test was 0.085V
In this test the boost converter has to work hard.

M1: 57,7°C, M2: 42,1°C, M3: 67,2°C, M4: 44,2°C, M5: 69,8°C, HS1: 93,6°C

M1: 54,8°C, M2: 45,1°C, HS1: 72,1°C

HS1: 89,4°C
Voltage sweep
These test are done with constant output voltage and output current. The input voltage is varied to see how the efficiency varies and how low input voltage it can handle.
Each test includes two charts: one with input current and one with output voltage and power loss/efficiency.
All tests are started at the high voltage and then slowly reduced until the output drops.

The fan stated and stopped a couple of times.

At low input voltage the boost converter is limiting the output.

Voltage sweep, no load
Same as above, just without any output current. This shows how much idle current the power supply uses.

Voltage sweep, output shorted
This power supply has a constant current mode, these 3 charts show how it works at different input voltage.

On/off charts
How do the output behave during on/off transitions.

The output cannot regulate as fast as my load turns on and the output voltage will drop significantly

Noise charts

My test setup has about 55mOhm between the power supply and the DPH3205, i.e. at 10A the input voltage will be around 0.55V lower than specified. When measuring efficiency I do compensate for this, by using a DMM at the input terminals.